
This guide will get you all set up and ready to use the SOAP Note API. We'll cover how to get started and make your first API request. We'll also look at where to go next to find all the information you need to take full advantage of our powerful API.

Getting an API Key

To use the SOAP Note API, you'll need an API key. Here's how to get one:

  1. Email hello@soapnoteapi.com with your use case.
  2. Once approved, you'll receive your API key.
  3. Include this key in the Authorization header of every request:
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE

Making your first API request

Once you have your API key, you're ready to make your first call to the SOAP Note API. Below, you can see examples of how to generate a SOAP Note from shorthand clinical notes or from audio input.

Generate a SOAP Note from shorthand notes

curl -X POST https://prod.soapnoteapi.com/v1/note \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "shorthand_notes": "CC: 48M, persistent dry cough + SOB x 2 weeks. HPI: Cough ↑ at night, SOB w/ minimal exertion.",
    "provider_type": "nurse_practitioner",
    "template_id": "template_123456"  // Optional: Remove if not using a specific template

The API will return a JSON-formatted SOAP Note. Note that it can take up to 30 seconds to return the entire response.

Generate a SOAP Note from audio input

This is a two-step process: first, you'll upload the audio file, and then you'll retrieve the generated SOAP Note.

Step 1: Upload audio file

curl -X PUT "https://prod.soapnoteapi.com/v1/audio?provider_type=speech_language_pathology&template_id=template_123456" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" \
  -T /path/to/your/audio/file.mp3

This will return a JSON response containing a noteId. You'll use this noteId to retrieve the generated SOAP Note.

Step 2: Retrieve the generated SOAP Note

Wait for 2-3 minutes before making this request to allow time for processing.

curl -X GET https://prod.soapnoteapi.com/v1/note/YOUR_NOTE_ID_HERE \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"

If the note is ready, this will return a JSON-formatted SOAP Note. If the note is not yet ready, you'll receive a 404 status. In that case, wait a bit longer and try again.

What's next?

Great, you're now set up with an API key and have made your first request to the API. Here are a few links that might be handy as you venture further into the SOAP Note API:

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